Case Study: Leading Utility Company

Smart lockers ease IT burden and expedite employee onboarding

About our customer

“It’s been great working with the Ricoh team. They are onsite, knowledgeable, and had the foresight to implement cloud-based, intelligent lockers that help us drive efficiency.”

— Director of IT

Public Utility Company


  • Slow employee laptop onboarding process

  • Hard to maintain accountability for IT assets and supplies

  • Access to necessary supplies was difficult for employees

  • Remote and hybrid work environments present difficulties for mail and parcel deliveries

With the uptick in remote and hybrid workers, IT resources were not only limited but IT supported six separate campuses from only one location, adding a degree of complexity. As such, the IT department struggled with quickly onboarding new employees with laptops and equipment, like power cords, keyboards, headsets, and other IT supplies. Often, it would take two weeks or longer to receive the items because IT was bogged down in processes, emails, tracking, answering ServiceNow inbound tickets, and the overall coordination of the supplies. The combination was time-consuming and it became apparent that these processes could be automated.

Similarly, employees who occasionally came into the office needed a central location to pick up their mail or packages. Ricoh was already ingrained in many aspects of managed services and technology solutions, so the utility company reached out to the Ricoh team for a solution.



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